The Mirror Tax

I can remember standing in front of mirror for twenty minutes back in grade school trying to get my hair just right. I often walked away frustrated due to a couple nasty cowlicks but looking back on it; I give myself an “A” for effort. As…

What’s The Word I’m Looking For?

At the time of this writing, I’m a good four months away from my 42nd birthday. I’m told this is no longer old. I heard something about 40 being the new 30 (perhaps the new 20, even). That’s comforting but despite all this talk about age…

Spiritual Growth Outside My Comfort Zone

I was reading a post on Michael Hyatt’s site the other day and it really rang true for me. All my spiritual growth, along with growth in other areas of my life, has come from getting outside of my comfort zone. My decision to embrace…

Musical Good News – August 14th, 2012

Hi everybody, Unless we're talking about Stryper, how often do you get to rock out to some good 'ol contemporary christian music? There are some good riffs, don't get me wrong, but I didn't find myself banging my head until I checked out…

Musical Good News – August 13th, 2012

Hi everybody, When I heard Kari Jobe's interview on K-LOVE a while back, I was impressed with how relaxed and laid back she was. Then I saw this video of her singing her hit song, "Steady My Heart." I was so impressed with the emotion and…

Return of the Nut Allergy

In my post Foods That Make Me Sick, I talked about side effects caused by some foods only after I'd lost 100 pounds. With nuts, however, I was dealing with a doctor-diagnosed allergy from my youth that went away over time, then returned as…

Foods That Make Me Sick

I grew up with food allergies that I seemed to outgrow as I got older. As a young adult I developed a new one. Then, after losing 100 pounds, my food allergies took on a whole new meaning. Foods I'd grown up eating without incident were…

The Devil and Inflatables…

Something rather disturbing happened the other morning while I was on the elliptical trainer… I saw Jack fall off the top of an inflatable and land on his head. He was going to a play place full of inflatables that very day on a field…

I am Worthy of your Praise

Why can’t I appreciate praise that’s sincerely given and legitimately deserved? I went to see a dietician recently. I would imagine most folks who visit the dietician receive news they’d rather not hear and dread implementing the dietary…

Give a Little Bit

It’s the challenge of the faithful to give, give, give but at some point we can give no more. At other times we give, but in the wrong way. Still, other times we give but give the wrong things. Let me show you some examples from my own…

The Spirit Was At Work The Whole Time

I volunteered to speak at Mass this weekend as we begin our recruitment drive for the next Christ Renews His Parish retreats. I was nervous, although well prepared but I couldn't have been prepared for what happened as I sat in the pews…

Confess Your Sins and Be Free

I went to confession earlier this week as part of Christ Renews His Parish formation. Although the details of my confession are confidential, I have to tell you I've never felt freer in my life. My understanding of what confession is about…

What Do I Have to Show for It?

“Show for what, Todd? That’s a pretty abstract opening for a blog. You do want me to read your post, don’t you?” Excuse my momentary lapse of reason. I only meant to make the point that what I’m sharing with you today can apply to almost…

Music for my Soul

God knows how to reach me right where I live. He communicates to me through that which I enjoy most. When I’m feeling most alive, his message comes through loud and clear. Unfortunately, I've not been always been receptive to His message.…

A Lack of Vision

Ok, I may have just gone off the deep end. 2 slices of ice cream cake to celebrate my employer’s 75th Anniversary! DQ ™ blizzard cake with Heath ™ and Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ™ mixed in. Mmmmm…so good. Not to mention Italian food for…

Sins of the Father

There are no coincidences in God's vast universe. Things that happen to us many years ago take on significant meaning in the here and now. The significance can affect us in either a positive or a negative way. Tony Robbins speaks often…

Getting Rid of Pet Peeves

This came to me after a day of getting angry at seemingly little things and laying around depressed over my failure to control my emotions. You may call them hot buttons, I refer to them as pet peeves. They're the little things that…